There are four levels of speech – para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikari. Human beings …
The human nervous system is so designed that it can exhibit the totality of conscio…
Often you describe yourself by the way you look and the work you do or by your rela…
When you get angry or you blame somebody, you feel a heavy load on your head. You f…
When a bud breaks, it becomes a flower. When a heart breaks, it becomes divine. A f…
How does a thought arise? The mechanism of thought has never been explained before …
The creator and the creation are one and the same. Creation is formed out of the cr…
Excerpts from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. ma…
Wisdom is beyond words. It is the essence of all words! If you manipulate words…
Guru Purnima is a celebration of seekers, and the seeker revises his journey. He re…
This is because of stress and strain, tension, and ignorance. This ignorance we…
The feverishness for perfection often makes you miserable. If you are vigilantly pu…
We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more…
Once a gentleman came to a doctor complaining that there was something severely wro…
Creativity and innovation are important for any business to strategize and envision…
When we realise the futility of words, then we should know that our life is going d…
The challenges that you face as an entrepreneur are not limited to just your work-r…
Every object in this universe is endowed with four characteristics. They are: D…
There are three types of Silence. The first is the silence where there is no tal…
Our existence is not in isolation with the rest of the world. While this idea sound…