Belongingness can bring about a host of negative emotions like demand, jealousy, una…
"Atma chittam" - This Shiv sutra conveys something very important D…
The insecure and the obstinate are two types of people who are not good communicator…
"Mohajayadanantabhogat sahajavidya jayah" With victory over attachment, you find un…
Question - Buddha said, be your inner light, so why are the spirituality courses and…
Often, in establishing your righteousness, you are insensitive to others' feelings. …
Lord Krishna used to worship Devi (Mother Divine). This is mentioned in the Durga Sa…
Atheism is when you do not believe either in values or in the abstract. When an athe…
You are never given a problem that you cannot handle. Every problem that comes in fr…
Whenever there is a problem, we either deny it saying there is no problem or we sit …
You may remind yourself a hundred times that you shouldn’t get angry, but when the e…
Whether others pay attention to you or not, pay attention to yourself. It is worthle…
The association of a particular sense object over and over again creates a sense of …
(In light of the recent Las Vegas shootings, extracts from Huffington Post article w…
The mind is like a mirror, whatever comes in front of it is reflected in it. But a m…
Drop these impressions of the past experiences with different people. They may have …
Every finger in your hand is connected to a planet. The thumb is connected to Mars. …
Story Time With Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - Video Collection …
Love is not a business. Love is not a career. love is not even an act. So there is n…
The divine consciousness is present everywhere, expressing itself in various differe…