When the mind dies, love dawns. Whenever there is love, the mind dies and this is p…
Today is Buddha Purnima, the day Buddha was born. He got enlightened, he attained ni…
Nataraja, the dancing form of Lord Shiva, is a very beautiful symbol of the union of…
See this whole world as bubbles rising in water. See people as bubbles on the surfac…
What are you unhappy for? What is it that you are unhappy about? You are unhappy abo…
Akshaya Tritiya is considered to a very auspicious day in India. It is related with …
We have lived today’s life. Be happy today. And tomorrow’s life will begin with the …
Once upon a time, the Devas began to feel that the whole world was theirs, so a Yaks…
Learn from Past Experiences - Turn back and look at your own life. How many times…
"Jnandahisthanam matrka" - Shiv Sutra Translation - Go to the root of knowledge, si…
When Lord Buddha got enlightened, he was silent for seven days; he didn’t say a word…
In ancient India, the Rishis used to have schools or universities in which they used…
Until a few centuries ago, the New Year always began in March, when the Sun moves to…
The Sun affects the planet Earth, so does the Moon. Though the moon only reflects th…
You should never shy from politics. If you are on planet earth, living with people …
Do you want to listen to a story? When Buddha got enlightened, he became silent and …
You have to remember that you are "fire". However, some ash gets accumulated in the…
Part 1 of this article can be found here - "Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah"…
This world is in our own mind! We look only at the world that exists in our mind…
"Annadata Sukhi Bhava" means "Those who are providing me with this food, let them be…