The Purpose of Yoga
The definition of 'asana' is a posture that is stable and pleasant. You should feel…
The definition of 'asana' is a posture that is stable and pleasant. You should feel…
There is a beautiful Sanskrit proverb that says, “Nobody gives happiness or misery.…
Your body is a universe in itself. So is your mind, which is a part of the big mind…
Nothing is permanent in this world, everything is changing. When you think you are …
Sometimes people come to the spiritual path when they face disappointment in life. …
Every cell in the body has the capacity to hold infinity. A worm too eats, sleeps a…
This article written by Bhanumathi Narasimhan, Sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shank…
They feel if there is love then why is life so painful? All that one want in life i…
Every event however pleasant causes pain in the end. Greater the joy; greater is th…
Have you noticed what keeps happening in the mind every moment? The mind keeps wond…
The world would be free of trouble if there were no love! All the problems in the w…
Faith is at the core of human existence. It plays a big role in shaping one’s life.…
Karma and its consequences are eternal and beyond comprehension. There are some act…
‘Ra’ means light, radiance. English words like rays and radiance come from Ram. ‘Ma…
Spring is the time when nature starts everything afresh with renewed vigour and vit…
Uncertainty causes craving for stability. The most stable thing in the world is the…
This article written by Bhanumathi Narasimhan, sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shank…
When sacredness is attached to a celebration, it becomes total, complete. It's not …
In Indian mythology, the God of Love is said to have an arch and five arrows. These…
Shivratri means ‘The Night of Shiva’ and is observed in honour of Lord Shiva (The m…