The five different types of people – which type are you ?
First Type There are those who are fun loving, full of enthusiasm in every society in every community. They don't mind any obstacles, they dare obstac…
First Type There are those who are fun loving, full of enthusiasm in every society in every community. They don't mind any obstacles, they dare obstac…
It was a full moon night and there was a poet sitting in a boathouse. He had a small lamp in front of him, a candle and he was writing poetry. And it s…
A true leader lets go of control He creates leaders, not followers. An important mark of good leadership is letting go of control. Are you in contro…
We wish each other happiness, prosperity and peace, but only a few seem to know how to be peaceful — like only a few know how to make money. Here a…
Every human being comes to this planet with subconscious, unconscious and conscious mind. As the conscious mind starts becoming more active, le…
If someone constantly keeps blaming you, then do not care about it. It happens so often, when mothers constantly blaming their children, the childre…
What do we get upset with? We don’t get upset with the birds, or the clouds, or with Nature. We don’t get upset with the environment. So, what do we ge…
If the criticism is superficial, then let it be. We just talked about the Navarasas (the nine emotions, which are, love, laughter, compassion, anger, …
A commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. That which is convenient, you do not call commitment. If you just go on your conve…
The role of religion is to make us righteous and loving, and the purpose of politics is to care for people and their welfare. When religion and poli…