Do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness!
As individuals, we sometimes feel that we have not done anything wrong, yet the other person believes that some injustice has been done to him. If the…
As individuals, we sometimes feel that we have not done anything wrong, yet the other person believes that some injustice has been done to him. If the…
Today, the issue of mental illness affects an estimated 350 million people around the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).Unfortun…
From being an ancient spiritual pursuit for those seeking enlightenment, yoga has been absorbed into mainstream lifestyle by people from all cultures …
One of the techniques that I advocate and teach everywhere is the Sudarshan Kriya. Sudarshan means the right vision of who I am.“Kriya” means purifyin…
Life has a very unique ability to heal and develop itself. The potentiality that consciousness has is amazing. That consciousness which has so much po…
When someone hurts you, have you ever wondered why did they hurt you? It is because they are hurting. They have lots of wounds and hurts inside an…
The five senses have five dimensions in the universe. We can classify the entire universe into five elements with their corresponding functions: …
Observation You observe fear. When fear comes, what happens? Some sensation arises in the chest. Observe, go deep into the observation of the sensa…
There are two kinds of minds. One is an open mind. Another is a closed mind. A closed mind says, “This is how it is, I know it, and that is it.” A clo…
Shraddha means faith. Faith is needed when you have found the limit of your knowing. You know something this far, and you don’t know anything beyond t…