Know that you are needed, you are useful
People commit suicide to escape misery but they do not realise it puts them in greater misery. It is like, someone is shivering in the cold and he goe…
People commit suicide to escape misery but they do not realise it puts them in greater misery. It is like, someone is shivering in the cold and he goe…
I would like to tell you a story about a saint. A thief once came to a saint and said, "See, I can't stop stealing. I am a pathological stealer. What …
Have you observed what is happening in your mind every moment? It vacillates between the past and the future. It is either in the past occupied with w…
Take a look at your own life. You have gone through and come out of many problems, which you had thought were impossible. It appeared to have shaken y…
Do not have any hatred towards anybody. Do not hate even the worst enemy, reach out to him. If you can’t reach out, never mind. At least in your heart…
You spend your life in earning money for the coming generations, and there is neither happiness nor joy, nor any connection with God. Is this called l…
There are two things that make us feel separate: the mind and the intellect. These are the two things that prevail over your ego. And for the ego to s…
Most of the time in our lives, our desires ruin us. But all desires are not bad. In the Bhagwad Geeta, Lord Krishna says, “I am those desires that uph…
There are four levels of speech – para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikari. Human beings speak only the fourth level. The language we speak is vaikari. …
Often you describe yourself by the way you look and the work you do or by your relationships with other people. But you are so much more than your bod…