Getting high on life by Spirituality
The most basic trait of human nature is to seek happiness. It is amazing to see what all man does to find happiness; the list goes on and on…
The most basic trait of human nature is to seek happiness. It is amazing to see what all man does to find happiness; the list goes on and on…
Often, we mistake pride for arrogance and those who have arrogance mistake it for pride. But there is a clear distinction. Arrogance is being insensit…
Yoga is the way to realize the ultimate truth referred to in Vedanta and universal energy field in Quantum physics. The sublime and impercep…
Yoga is what happens when you are in the moment, so totally at ease and in peace. So what is yoga? It is chitta vrutti nirodaha. Yoga means uniting wi…
As times are getting tougher in the corporate world, many are feeling the pinch. Stress impacts the way we think, feel and behave, thus affecting all …
Today is World Environment Day. Environment is not just the plants, trees, and mountains but we also are a part of the environment. How we think and h…
If you are unhappy, you better check if one or all of these are lacking: Tapa (penance), Vairagya (dispassion), Sharanagati (surrender). Tapas is agre…
When Buddha got enlightened on that full moon day in the month of May, it is said that he maintained silence for the whole week. He did not say a word…
Trying times bring out our ability to endure, prevail, and emerge stronger, kinder and wiser. The second Covid wave is a critical challenge for humani…
As the ancient proverb goes, Guru bina gati nahin. There is no progress without a Guru. Guru is not a person; guru is knowledge. The English word…