Guru principle is like Space
There is this song, ‘Ajo Ananthaya, Nitya Shudhaaya Sat-chid-ananda nanada GURU OM!’Ajo (Never Born), Ananthanya (Infinity), Nitya Shudhaaya (Forever …
There is this song, ‘Ajo Ananthaya, Nitya Shudhaaya Sat-chid-ananda nanada GURU OM!’Ajo (Never Born), Ananthanya (Infinity), Nitya Shudhaaya (Forever …
What is the significance of Gurupurnima?Gurupurnima is called the day of the Master. Actually, it is the day of the devotee. As a student you probably…
Reincarnation is coming again into the body. Our mind is energy and, by the law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be destroyed. So, what happens to thi…
The benefits of yoga are multi-fold. The first is that it improves your health. Yoga provides us tools and techniques to lead a stress-free and tensio…
There is a beautiful sutra mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Sutras that says, Jatidesha kalasamayanavachchinnaha sarvabhouma mahavratam meaning ‘…
What is God? What is not God? What is the definition of God, if there is one? The moment you define by a word, you already have a concept about it. Wh…
Abiding in the form, in the nature of the seer is yoga. Whenever you experience joy, ecstasy, bliss, happiness, knowingly or unknowingly, you are abid…
The troubling pattern of school violence in America has different causes at its core for the perpetrators. We must be aware that aggression is part of…
Life and the Guru are inseparable. Life itself teaches so many things. When you consciously reflect on it you can distinguish the things you have done…
Ahimsa, satya, shaucha, daya, aastikyadi, charitrayani paripalniyani What do the scriptures say? What is that you have to do in order to be in such…