Auspiciousness of Shiv Sutras
Shiv Sutras: A Sutra is a thread and Shiva means that which is auspicious. Among many negative things, take that one positive thing and hold on to it.…
Shiv Sutras: A Sutra is a thread and Shiva means that which is auspicious. Among many negative things, take that one positive thing and hold on to it.…
You may have gotten angry many times, but do you stay angry forever? The Shiva sutra, ‘Atma Chittam’, conveys something very important. Day, night, cl…
"Atma chittam" - This Shiv sutra conveys something very important Day, night, clouds and colors all appear in the sky and later disapp…
"Mohajayadanantabhogat sahajavidya jayah" With victory over attachment, you find unlimited enjoyment, naturalness automatically arises in you, and you…
"Jnandahisthanam matrka" - Shiv Sutra Translation - Go to the root of knowledge, silence. Carefully observe and distinguish the different ideas, thou…
Part 1 of this article can be found here - "Shakti chakra sandhane vishvasamharah" (Shiva Sutras) - there are different types of energy centers in yo…
This world is in our own mind! We look only at the world that exists in our mind, which we imagine in our own way, though the world outside may be …
"Bijavadhanam" - Nurture a seed. We sow good seeds in a field, and on their own weeds grow with them. What does a farmer do? He removes the weeds. On…