What are you unhappy for? What is it that you are unhappy about?
What are you unhappy for? What is it that you are unhappy about? You are unhappy about the situations and circumstances around you. You are unhappy abo…
What are you unhappy for? What is it that you are unhappy about? You are unhappy about the situations and circumstances around you. You are unhappy abo…
Do you want to listen to a story? When Buddha got enlightened, he became silent and angels asked him to talk. He said "People who are happy they don't…
1)Ensure that you have good food, especially organic food - It is important that you have the right type and the right amount of food. 2)Pay atten…
The key to happiness in life is to not stay stuck in 'I…Me…Mine' (meaning one’s own personal desires or material gains). Dedicate your life to some lar…
[Tweet "Every time you are unhappy, miserable or disturbed, you are coming in touch with your own boundaries"] What can you do about it? You can fee…
Joy is found only in the present moment. Yet usually we find the mind swinging back and forth between the past and the future. We feel regretful or ang…
In this world there is always a play of positive and negative. Some problems come, some challenges come, and solutions also follow them. The ancient pe…
The strength of your happiness is measured by the adverse situations you are in. If everything is smooth, then you giving a big smile is nothing! That …
We wish each other happiness, prosperity and peace, but only a few seem to know how to be peaceful — like only a few know how to make money. Here a…
Mullah Nasrudin used to grumble all the time. He was a farmer, so he would grumble, “Oh, there is no rain.” There was no rain in California for so many…