Mantras for Happy Marriage
Life energy, like water, needs two banks to flow. When water flows between two banks, it has a direction. Similarly, life force needs a direction, and…
Life energy, like water, needs two banks to flow. When water flows between two banks, it has a direction. Similarly, life force needs a direction, and…
Marriage is an institution of patience, sacrifice, caring for each other, and sharing. Our ancient people spoke about saptapadi—the seven steps one ta…
A river needs two bunks to flow. The difference between flood and a flowing river is that water flows regulated in a direction in a river. During flo…
Do you want to listen to a story? When Buddha got enlightened, he became silent and angels asked him to talk. He said "People who are happy they don't…
Question - Can we withdraw from our commitment? Gurudev - Yes, and when can that happen? That can happen when Viveka(discrimination) awakens within …
A commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. That which is convenient, you do not call commitment. If you just go on your conve…