When a bud breaks, it becomes a flower. When a heart breaks, it becomes divine. A flower cannot break. What you thought was love, was not love. A broken heart means broken demands, broken expectations, broken hopes. In true love, there is no heartbreak. Can water break? Water is fluid. Love is fluid. Whatever is fluid is not brittle. Something that is stiff can be broken.|
Life is full of events, some pleasant, some unpleasant, some good, some not good. Many times you were doing something and, unintentionally, people got hurt. The same thing is true with other people also who have hurt you. And so you feel heartbroken or they feel heartbroken. This is not the nature of a mature mind or of a mature love.
So, when you meet the friend again, or ex-partner, talk to them as though nothing has happened in the past, as though this is the first time you are meeting them. You don’t need to give any explanation. Okay, you were partners for some time, then something happened whether you wanted it to or not. You moved apart. Again you reach out to them, talk to them. Be friendly from your side as though nothing has happened. Live as though you have no enemies.
Don’t see people as definite personalities. All personalities change. A good person, due to your own karma or vibration, can say something wrong to you if you have to be hurt. If you have good karma, even the wrong person will start helping and be kind to you.
So, true intimacy is to see that no other person exists. When the mind recognises this oneness, the mind dissolves, disappears. This is all me, a part of me. Then one clears that heavy load on the heart and the mind from inside. Then more love flows in and out. That love becomes divine, like a big, beautifully blossomed flower. There is no difference, everything is you, everything is a part of you. That is true intimacy.