Influences of Time and Space
There are three types of spaces that exist — external space (Bhut Akash), in which all the elements are there; inner space (Chit Akash), where thought…
There are three types of spaces that exist — external space (Bhut Akash), in which all the elements are there; inner space (Chit Akash), where thought…
There is this song, ‘Ajo Ananthaya, Nitya Shudhaaya Sat-chid-ananda nanada GURU OM!’Ajo (Never Born), Ananthanya (Infinity), Nitya Shudhaaya (Forever …
Sometimes you feel that you have not harmed anyone in your present life, or even thought ill of anyone, yet you are suffering and going through misery…
You may have gotten angry many times, but do you stay angry forever? The Shiva sutra, ‘Atma Chittam’, conveys something very important. Day, night, cl…
Question - Buddha said, be your inner light, so why are the spirituality courses and techniques needed? Answer from Gurudev You have to listen to B…
What is boredom? A repetition without interest or love causes a monotonous state of mind; that is boredom. It overshadows the Self. When you have…