Meditation is the art of doing nothing
To be more dynamic, we must first be free from all activity. Whether we do those actions as per our wish while awake or while we are still asleep whil…
To be more dynamic, we must first be free from all activity. Whether we do those actions as per our wish while awake or while we are still asleep whil…
Everyone wants to be successful in his/her examination. But what is success? It is having strength, having an unshakable smile that nobody can take aw…
Certain questions indicate the maturity of our mind. They are: What is life? What is the purpose of my life? Why am I here? What do I want? These ques…
‘Ram’ in Sanskrit means ‘that which is radiant’ and ‘ma’ means ‘myself’.That which shines forth within you is Rama. That which is radiant in every par…
Deep within, we aspire for that which is our true nature and everybody wishes to be happy and joyful. Yet, the world is caught in the grip of violence…
Meditation is the AC for the mind to be comfortable. We want comfort but we don’t know how to be absolutely comfortable. Let us explore five methods f…
Life is full of interruptions. We need to keep moving. We park ourselves somewhere and then we move again. Now if you park in a wrong place, you need …
Often, we mistake pride for arrogance and those who have arrogance mistake it for pride. But there is a clear distinction. Arrogance is being insensit…
Trying times bring out our ability to endure, prevail, and emerge stronger, kinder and wiser. The second Covid wave is a critical challenge for humani…
We live most of our lives through three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of consciousness, we experience th…