Cultivating Good Leadership Qualities
On the occasion of Women’s Day, Bhanumathi Narasimhan (Sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) shares insights that can help cultivate good leadership…
On the occasion of Women’s Day, Bhanumathi Narasimhan (Sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) shares insights that can help cultivate good leadership…
The world exists as a whole, not in fragments. Society cannot be divided in watertight compartments. Spirituality and ethics are an integral part of a…
We tend to let go of pleasant emotions and cling to unpleasant ones. Ninety-nine per cent of the world does this. But when the consciousness becomes f…
The neglect of the mind, the seat of intellect, breeds a state of perpetual flux and discontent. However, transcending the fickleness of the mind lies…
Your body is like a hard shell. And your mind, the inner self is like water. You are like water inside. Nature of water is cooling and flowing. But wh…
A strong tendency to keep doing something, whether important or unimportant, becomes an impediment to meditation. 'Doing' starts first with an intenti…
The more you try to hold on, the more the essence shall slip away. The beauty of human life is to let go and live peacefully. In the Bhagavad Gita, lo…
Feeling at home, wherever and with whomsoever you are is what I would call the true evolution of human beings. For that, we need to take a look within…
When we do not want anything for ourselves, a unique power awakens within us. We become capable of giving blessings. Only those who are themselves con…
Meditation is not an act; it is the art of doing nothing! The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the min…