The Gift of Faith
Faith comes into play only at the time of crisis, and the funniest thing is, at the time of crisis the first thing one loses is faith. There is a stor…
Faith comes into play only at the time of crisis, and the funniest thing is, at the time of crisis the first thing one loses is faith. There is a stor…
If you think your faith in God is doing a favor to God, then you are mistaken. Your faith in God or Guru does nothing to God or Guru. Faith is your we…
When we do not want anything for ourselves, a unique power awakens within us. We become capable of giving blessings. Only those who are themselves con…
When a child starts becoming aware of its own body, it starts asking more and more questions. And when the body matures into adolescent stage, there a…
Nothing is permanent in this world, everything is changing. When you think you are right, often you think others are wrong and you feel angry. If you …
Faith is at the core of human existence. It plays a big role in shaping one’s life. It sustains life and leads one through difficult times. At the sam…
Often people say behind every successful man is a woman. But I say behind every success, there is the Divine saying “I am behind you”. And Divine dawn…
Ahimsa, satya, shaucha, daya, aastikyadi, charitrayani paripalniyani What do the scriptures say? What is that you have to do in order to be in such…
Prayer is a vital tool to improve your life. When you feel the obstacle is too much to handle, deep prayer can work miracles. Whatever you do, know th…
Where are you?Which planet are you on?What is your world?Are you sure you are not dreaming?Are you sure you are here on this planet?Are you sure earth…