Witness the Beauty in Nature
Beauty has three levels — indication, expression and exposure. Spirituality is that which indicates beauty or gently reveals it; this is the subtle as…
Beauty has three levels — indication, expression and exposure. Spirituality is that which indicates beauty or gently reveals it; this is the subtle as…
Often, we mistake pride for arrogance and those who have arrogance mistake it for pride. But there is a clear distinction. Arrogance is being insensit…
When we realise the futility of words, then we should know that our life is going deeper and we have started living. We live in words from morning til…
What are the signs of love? When you love someone you see nothing wrong in them. Even if you see a fault in them, you justify it in some way saying, “…
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You think somebody is bad-looking? Ask their mother or their grandmother. They never think their child…