Only when intellectual knowledge, music and meditation come together, can wisdom really dawn. And that is the significance of worshipping Goddess Saraswati. As Lord Brahma’s consort, she is seen playing the Veena, one of the oldest Indian instruments. What is the significance of Goddess Saraswati playing the Veena? The Veena represents the human body. Just as Veena has 7 strings in all, our human body is also made out of seven dhatus found all over the body. If the Veena is tuned properly, music is melodious and when life is tuned well, what comes out is divine music.

We find the idol of Goddess Saraswati in many schools. She represents the totality of education, which is never divorced from spirituality. The Goddess sits on a rock. Knowledge is like a rock. It is not restless or floating but steady and it brings stability. Then there is the peacock which symbolizes celebration and beauty. Knowledge should create beauty within. On one hand she has a book of literature. The book signifies intellectual excellence. Music is represented by the Veena. You need both left brain represented by the book in her hand) and right brain (signified by the musical instrument.) And then there is the japa mala or rosary which signifies meditation.

We have always included swadhyay or study of knowledge of science and self as part of spirituality, meditation and yoga as part of spirituality. Anything that aids the development of spirit in you is spirituality. In the sense, intellectual knowledge, music, art and culture, dance and meditation has to be part of it. If any one of these components is missing, education is not complete.

Goddess Saraswati is deeply associated with music and creativity, and those who want to grow their musical skills and become great musicians, seeks the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. The purpose of music is to connect with the depth of your being. Movement stretched is dance, mind stretched is meditation and sound stretched is music and life stretched is celebration.

The purpose of music is to create silence deep within you and the purpose of silence is to make you dynamic in life. So, silence that doesn’t make you dynamic is no good and that music which does not make space for silence, peace, harmony within one self is no good either. Music is one blessing that binds us all together. Across race, religions, continents, if there is one power that unites everyone other than love, it is music.

Spirituality and music are India’s most unique and timeless gifts to the world. Spirituality brings resilience, peace, strength and inner silence to the soul. Music connects you to the universal self. Music is that rhythm and harmony that flows from the universal to the individual; from the cosmos to the finite. Spirituality and music together can uplift people, get them out of depression and help them start a new life with enthusiasm.

Only when intellectual knowledge, music and meditation come together, can wisdom really dawn. And that is the significance of worshipping Goddess Saraswati. Click To Tweet

Music cleanses your being, makes your feelings softer, lighter and if the feeling are purified, the thoughts get purified too. Then, the right thought comes to you. The intuitive aspect in you is awakened and this is what spirituality is. Music and spirituality are intertwined, one cannot be without the other especially in this country. Music and spirituality were never perceived as separate things. For a stress-free life, you have to embrace both these facets, along with spiritual wisdom.

Indian classical music and her heritage of spirituality are the two strong powers that help us overcome all strife around us and it is essential for us to preserve this. Classical music is transformational and has the power to touch the soul of the listener, no matter what their race, religion, gender or background is. Different instruments have an influence on different ‘chakras’ of our body, and can help us heal. So, logic, music and meditation- all three are important for total development of human spirit.

Happy Basant Panchami !