Although we have grown older physically, we do not grow up emotionally. It feels as though you are a victim of your own emotions. “Oh! I feel like this! I feel like that! What to do?” But what is the big deal about your feelings? They were there yesterday and it came in your space, again. So what Sometimes you see dark clouds in the sky but the space does not own them. It just allows them to come and pass away. Similarly, these emotions come, sometimes pleasant, unpleasant. You should disown them. That is the first step. Let them come and go.

All emotions are linked with people, objects and events. Catching on to objects, people or relationships hinders freedom, liberation. Just examine why your spirits go down? More often than not, it is because somebody said something nasty to you. Because they had some garbage and they needed to throw it out; and you were there, ready to catch it. And once you have caught it, you hold on to it so passionately! Wake up! Don’t let your smile be snatched away by anybody. Nobody can feel bad or good all the time; the good and bad feelings come like waves. But we make it such a big issue and it keeps bombarding our minds. This emotional garbage is so useless; it’s also a sign of emotional immaturity.

The emotion which makes you so soft inside is your friend and the one that makes you rough, is your enemy. Click To Tweet

One should learn how to handle one self. When your emotions are positive, you become more sensitive to the truth. But the same emotions, when they are rough, ruin your mind and body. Emotion is your enemy and at the same time is your friend as well. The emotion which makes you so soft inside is your friend and the one that makes you rough, is your enemy. If you have no emotions, then you are like a dead rag and the Divine love cannot flower in you. Start identifying with patterns that you are latching on to, bundle them up and throw them into the ocean! Disown your pent-up emotions and discover a more peaceful you.

The awareness of how and what things are can make a big difference. The same mind can bring forth positive thoughts and vibrations and the same can birth negative thoughts. Awareness is being generated about keeping our environment unpolluted. But what about the emotional impurity which we create around us and the vibrations which we create that harbour negativity in us?

We don’t use the detergent of knowledge to our mind and purify it, and that’s when the polluted mind goes on creating more pollution. If a person is agitated, the anger does not stay limited to that person but rubs off on to all those who he comes in contact with. These negative vibrations, once compounded, give rise to unrest in society. Negative feelings of hatred, anger, jealousy are the root cause of all disasters and misery in the world, whether they are economical, political or social in nature.

We need to attend to the human psyche which causes pollution, whether physical or emotional. It’s natural for a mind to become unhappy or to get negative thoughts. We only have to learn to clear them away quickly and become free of them faster. And come back to the harmony immediately. That is why practices like meditation, yoga and breathing techniques are there. Through them you can cause positive, harmonious and joyful vibrations within you and around you.