Influences of Time and Space
There are three types of spaces that exist — external space (Bhut Akash), in which all the elements are there; inner space (Chit Akash), where thought…
There are three types of spaces that exist — external space (Bhut Akash), in which all the elements are there; inner space (Chit Akash), where thought…
Ram was very dear to Kaikeyi. For Kaikeyi, Ram was her 'soul'. She had to bear the wrath of her own son for sending Ram into exile. Kaikeyi sent Ram i…
Evil has no absolute existence of its own. The Bhagavad Gita says: “The good will never perish; evil can never exist”. Evil doesn’t exist as a separat…
The more you try to hold on, the more the essence shall slip away. The beauty of human life is to let go and live peacefully. In the Bhagavad Gita, lo…
Feeling at home, wherever and with whomsoever you are is what I would call the true evolution of human beings. For that, we need to take a look within…
As long as some desires linger in your mind, you cannot be at total rest. Every desire or ambition is like a sand particle in the eye! You cannot shut…
What is health? Health is having all these – a disease-free body; a quiver-free breath; a stress-free mind; an inhibition-free intellect; an obsession…
When you have judgement or labels against people, your behaviour starts getting disturbed. You become stiff because of the seeds of negativity you are…
The 'Holi' festival is a fun-filled and popular occasion for celebration. People play Holi with chandan or sandalwood powder and coloured water. The f…
Shiv Sutras: A Sutra is a thread and Shiva means that which is auspicious. Among many negative things, take that one positive thing and hold on to it.…