Guru awakens the pinnacle of Intelligence
Guru Purnima is held on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Ashadh when devotees around the world celebrate their devotion for their spiritual mas…
Guru Purnima is held on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Ashadh when devotees around the world celebrate their devotion for their spiritual mas…
This article written by Bhanumathi Narasimhan, sister of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Who is a guru? Why do I need a guru? How do I recognise a gu…
A strong tendency to keep doing something, whether important or unimportant, becomes an impediment to meditation. 'Doing' starts first with an intenti…
Patanjali, the propounder of yoga, enunciates the purpose of yoga: “The purpose of yoga is to stop misery before it comes.” Whether it is greed, anger…
Guilt has a purpose. A little bit of guilt is good. It does not allow you to get into a cycle of actions that are not good for you and for others. Whe…
Violence or non-violence is determined by the attitude and not the act. Even a war can be non-violent if it is devoid of anger, hatred, jealousy or gr…
Our mind is always focused on what we want and we are busy wanting something all the time. Before one want vanishes, another comes up; they are in a q…
There are three types of spaces that exist — external space (Bhut Akash), in which all the elements are there; inner space (Chit Akash), where thought…
Ram was very dear to Kaikeyi. For Kaikeyi, Ram was her 'soul'. She had to bear the wrath of her own son for sending Ram into exile. Kaikeyi sent Ram i…
Evil has no absolute existence of its own. The Bhagavad Gita says: “The good will never perish; evil can never exist”. Evil doesn’t exist as a separat…