The simple secret to deal with “Feelings”
We can transcend feelings easily when we know that there is something which is much more basic to life than feelings, and that is the self; the life fo…
We can transcend feelings easily when we know that there is something which is much more basic to life than feelings, and that is the self; the life fo…
The mature intellect brings forth devotion that is always in awe of creation. When something is unfathomable, the intellect is in awe. When the m…
Opposite values are complementary. In life you need both effort and effortlessness. When you want to work, you put in all your effort and then the wor…
1)Ensure that you have good food, especially organic food - It is important that you have the right type and the right amount of food. 2)Pay atten…
The chanting of mantras creates an environment of positivity and sacredness. Mantras have an impact at the subtle level also. Our physical body is the …
Human beings and bananas share 50% of the same DNA. How many of you didn’t know this? (Many raise their hands). A banana is 50% human. I don’t …
What is it that you have to surrender? Anyway everything belongs to the Divine already. But when you think that something belongs to you, then I say, ‘…
Chakras are the nerve centers seen in our body. There are 1,72,000 Nadis(channels of metaphysical energy or life-force) in our body, and there are vari…
There are so many types of Karma and we can broadly classify them as 1. Collective karma 2. Karma of the time 3. Karma of a place 4. Kar…
Rudram chanting done on Mondays is even more special. Monday is the day of the moon and the moon and mind are connected. Mantra, mind, moon, they are a…