Tips to stay healthy on World Health Day
What is meant by being healthy? Health is being physically strong, mentally calm and steady, and emotionally soft inside. You are not healthy when you…
What is meant by being healthy? Health is being physically strong, mentally calm and steady, and emotionally soft inside. You are not healthy when you…
Life is incomplete without union with God. It is quite natural that a matured mind and a receptive heart strive for this union. Since long, philosophi…
Holi is a festival of colours. This whole world is so colourful. Just like nature there are different colours associated with our feelings and emotion…
All the scriptures of the world, talk about great happiness because they know that is everyone's ultimate quest. Happiness is not related to what we h…
You may have gotten angry many times, but do you stay angry forever? The Shiva sutra, ‘Atma Chittam’, conveys something very important. Day, night, cl…
Shiva is a space of deep silence and stillness where all the activities of the mind dissolve. This space is available wherever you are. There is no ne…
It's not just the planets that affect you. You can also affect them. It's not just that the stones you wear that will affect you. You can also affect …
In today’s world often there is pride associated with aggression. We can learn how to be gentle while showing great strength, from women. The biggest …
When you begin your day in laughter and love, your life gets divinely enlivened. True prayer is laughing in the morning from outside and from deep ins…
Love is so enormous. And for ages, people have tried to express their love and finally, they felt they cannot. Even the great sage Narada said, 'Anirv…