There is a global epidemic of loneliness today. So many people feel unloved. But you must know for sure that you are loved very much. You are held closely by the earth, this air. The earth loves you; that’s why it is holding you upright. The love of the earth is its gravitational force.

The Divine loves you so dearly. Once you realize this, you will never feel lonely. Divine is the biggest victim of one sided love. He loves you so much and you don’t even recognize it.

To come out of loneliness, you make friends with people who share something in common with you. But it is rare to find friends in knowledge who uplift each other. But remember that when the times are trying, they bring out the best in you and when the time is rewarding, you are given the best of the world and life is a bit of both.

The Divine loves you so dearly. Once you realize this, you will never feel lonely. Click To Tweet

When you feel completely disconnected, do not fight or struggle to feel connected. Rest. It is like when you sleep, you remain totally disconnected from even the closest people. You do not get to take anybody else into the sleep state with you. You go there alone. At that moment, see the whole creation as a dream, with a smile. It’s like soap bubbles in water-temporary.

Just turn back and see all those people you met, played with, the many happy and unhappy events that occurred even ten years ago, they are not there now. They are all gone. And all these feelings of misery and loneliness will go away too.

So why do you want to get connected, and to what? Everything is temporary and only you are permanent. And so when you feel the disconnection, do not feel sad. Accept this with a smile. Meditate. You will be so centered, and strength from deep within will arise in you.

Happy Friendship Day !